anyhooo onto happier news!! ive got a picture solution! since the CVS picture CD didnt work in my computer i still have no pictures, but there is a special digital camera at my school that records the pictures onto a floppy disk instead of a memory card... i brought one home today, only the floppy disk, not the actual camera to see if it worked, and it did!!! so now im going to borrow the schools camera for the weekend (permission has already been granted from my art teacher) and im going to take pictures of all things knitting!!! i am sooo excited... and just to show how excited, i am going to grant you, my faithful readers (i hope), the pleasure of a goof picture taken by my art teacher to see if the disk would work in my computer! here it is... moi!

there you go! not the best looking picture of me.. but hey its better then no picture right?? i think so too
other then that i am expecting to get pretty far in my panta tonight, since it is the finale of Project Runway... that is if i can get all the homework i have been putting off done before 10 PM!
until next time....
Happy Knitting!
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