Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I actually have not knitted anything in a long time. I knitted a shoe for art - yes a shoe! But at the moment I do not have pictures, I will try and get some tomorrow to post, but it's at school hung up for the annual art show.
There is not much to say except sorry it's been so long since I've posted!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
First FO of the year!

Remember my plan that I thought was 'oh-so-smart'? Well apparently it didn't work out. As you can see in the picture about the heels match up and all is well up until about a third to half of the foot part. I had to readjust the pattern because to knit 9 inches before the toe would have made them too big, on the pattern I wrote 7 inches, but I guess I meant 8 because there is four color changes [two colors and two of the grey/white] more on the sock of the right foot. They don't match up, but I guess it doesn't really matter much seeing as how they both fit my feet. Plus, I think it gives them character!
That is all of my knitting news for now, midterms are coming up and I just had the chance to sit down and knit - this has been the only weekend since probably the first week of school where I have only had to work one night during the week and have had no homework. It was quite relaxing.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week, and as always...
Happy Knitting!
Friday, January 26, 2007

I want to say that it will be finished by the end of the weekened but I am not too sure about that. It depends what my work schedule is and how much time I have left over after completing all the work I missed on Thursday and Friday. I am still a little sick too so it will all depend.
I did do something else than just my sock though. I wanted some mindless knitting that I wouldnt need to worry about messing up if my medicine had me a little foggy. I did some searing on Lion Brand's website and found this easy pattern. I casted on last night and switched off between working on the stole and the sock.
This picture is more for the fact of looking at the lace pattern. Its very simple - just a k2tog, yo across the row followed by a straight knit on the next row.
You can see the colors really good in this picture. There's a little bit of gray mixed into the verigation which I wasn't sure how much I was going to like at first, but it looks okay.
I also think I've found a new knitting bag. I went to NYC back in Novemeber and was caught up in the moment when i bought this bag;
I realized when I got home that ti is actually a luggage carry on. I wasn't sure what I was going to do since I felt kind of funny about carrying it about as an actual purse so I just stored it up in my closet until my mom's friend suggested using it as a knitting bag. It works wonderfully. Theres a little zipper thing in the middle two keep two projects seperate, theres compartments for needles and measuring tapes and all that jazz. Plus it's quite roomy which is always good.
See? It hold the large ball of yarn for my stole, plus my sock project. It's very nice because it sits in the crock at the fold of your arm near your elbow so it makes standing somewhere and knitting quite easy. Although I am going to have to work on someway to keep it open - even when unzippered it kind of stays shut and you have to tug a bit on yarn.
That is all my knitting news for now. The only other thing left is that I switched to the new blogger. I like the old version better I think. I lost my WIP percent bars. I can't figure out how to tweak the HTML and get it to work. I should probably work on it when IM not sick, so I'm just going to leave it for now so I don't mess anything up worse. :-] That's all my news for now.
Happy Knitting!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
excuse my cat Bailey, he was being nosey
and then I started the second sock today as well:
Excuse the school agenda in the pictures, I'm doing this before I head off to bed and I just finished watching Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and some homework.
I am very pleased with myself because I know for a fact that I will not have one sock syndrom. You see, before I started knitting the first sock I took both yarns and lined some of the verigation up and cut them at both the same spot so that I would cast on in the same exact spot. Smart huh? I thought so.
Well I am off to bed, but I just wanted to share my first ever finished sock [with a toe and everything!] with you all. Have a wonderful week and as always....
Happy Knitting!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
year end wrap-up
but here is what i have:
as far as knitting goes I haven't done too much on anything I haven't really had the time but I did finish one of my Crusoe Socks! [well almost]
the only thing I have left to do is cast off the toe. It gives me the option of knitting the stiches on needles one and two and then doing the kitchener stitch of the first and second needles together, or of pulling the yarn through all stitches. This is the first sock I've ever made so I'm not sure which is best. Any suggestions??
on the non knitting front I made some curtains for my room yesterday!
First of all my room is all black and white pictures of New York, and Audrey Hepburn like this:
This is only the wall that my bed is on but you get the idea of it. Now before I made the curtains that I did, I had these maroonish deep red curtains up that well, did just not go. Here is what I made:
Cute aren't they? They're black with white polka dots, which I think goes very well with my room.
I also had a martini glass on my dresser that was just overflowwing with chapsticks and perfume samples so I did something that isn't very crafty but it used craft supplies so I suppose you could count it - I filled the martini glass with 'pearl' beads. It looks adorable on my dresser with all my perfumes set up. I would post a picture but blogger isn't allowing me to add anymore, I'm not sure why though.
Well, my goals as far as craftyness goes are that I would like to finish everything I started this year, if not everything than at least half. I would also like to try dying some yarn of my own. Other than that I'm not really sure.
I wish everyone a Happy New Year, and as always ...
Happy Knitting!