anyway they were having a huge sale so my mom let me pick out some things as an early birthday present... heres what i bought
3 skeins of angel hair yarn
i got the white yarn with the black mixed it.. im planning on making the criss cross scarf from a recent episode of knitty gritty

i got one of these medium 'yarn tainers' ... not a yarn container a yarn tainer lol
i also got a large one... there were only two sizes.. but my mom bought me both!
i also got a pair of circular needles, a measuring tape and a little sewing accessory kit.. im very excited to start working there.. especially since everything is on sale and if i get an employee discount, i will be swimming in yarn!!
although i am going to try and get a job at LaceWings for the winter, since they dont hire in the summer
i did some work on my sleeve today, although the sticky humidity just made me feel like not doing anything.. thats about it though for updates
Happy Knitting!