ive decided i am only going to make 10 dishcloths... 5 for my mom, and 5 for my aunt
im on the 4th block in the Harry Potter scarf! i got to knit for an hour today in fiber arts
theres really nothing else to say
Happy Knitting
Monday, November 28, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
Christmas Crafting Update 2
alright well the dishcloths are coming out well, and im moving along nicely on that scarf so...thats about it really

theres a picture of my cat Bailey....hes not knitting obviously but he is with a yarn ball so i figured it could fit into the category lol...
more pictures as soon as i can get them
Happy Knitting!

theres a picture of my cat Bailey....hes not knitting obviously but he is with a yarn ball so i figured it could fit into the category lol...
more pictures as soon as i can get them
Happy Knitting!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
i havent had much time to knit lately....ive got a lot of school work to do and everything, so sometimes the only time i get is on fridays when i go to that knitting group after school at the library...but ive been doing better
last weekend, i finally bought yarn and needles for the french market bag from knitty...but im not going to start that until after the holidays...i also finally bought yarn to make my friends slytherin scarf...im not telling her though because i want to suprise her and send it to her for christmas!
speaking of christmas....the dishcloths are going good...ive got about 3 done....not that many but like i said i dont have endless amounts of time to sit and knit
i have a 4 day weekened due to the holiday this weekend so im pretty sure ill be having quite a bit of time to work on projects....
corrin [from the library] got three big boxes full of yarn from a friend, and shes bringing me in some...last week she brought me in 5 skeins of this beautiful blue verigated mohair yarn...its absolutely gorgeous...and soo soft too!
still no pictures :(...i know this blog isnt really exciting, or thrilling to look at because i dont have pictures...but im working on it
thats all for now
to all who read this, please comment and...
Happy Knitting!
last weekend, i finally bought yarn and needles for the french market bag from knitty...but im not going to start that until after the holidays...i also finally bought yarn to make my friends slytherin scarf...im not telling her though because i want to suprise her and send it to her for christmas!
speaking of christmas....the dishcloths are going good...ive got about 3 done....not that many but like i said i dont have endless amounts of time to sit and knit
i have a 4 day weekened due to the holiday this weekend so im pretty sure ill be having quite a bit of time to work on projects....
corrin [from the library] got three big boxes full of yarn from a friend, and shes bringing me in some...last week she brought me in 5 skeins of this beautiful blue verigated mohair yarn...its absolutely gorgeous...and soo soft too!
still no pictures :(...i know this blog isnt really exciting, or thrilling to look at because i dont have pictures...but im working on it
thats all for now
to all who read this, please comment and...
Happy Knitting!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Christmas Crafting Update
alright, well i havent had too much time to work on things with my school work and such... it seems like theyre piling it on lately, but anyway things are moving along quite smoothly
i had to go and buy some more yarn for the dishcloths because i can only get roughly about 1 and a little over a half out of one skein... so instead of spending money on individual colors i just bought this big cone of it... its multi colored, there was one pound of the yarn and it was only about 6 dollars i think.. .cheaper then buying the individual ones
i cant make my sister that hat, because the yarn the pattern is for is made with wool, and she is allergic to wool, unless i can figure out a way to line the hat, or use a different yarn
i went to go buy my mom the sea foam green chenille yarn but they didnt have the color so i didnt know if there was another color i should get.... plus it was 7 dollars a skein and i was running out of money
so ive had a bit of a pot hole i guess you could call it, in my christmas crafting.. but i think it should be alright from here
thats all
Happy Knitting!
i had to go and buy some more yarn for the dishcloths because i can only get roughly about 1 and a little over a half out of one skein... so instead of spending money on individual colors i just bought this big cone of it... its multi colored, there was one pound of the yarn and it was only about 6 dollars i think.. .cheaper then buying the individual ones
i cant make my sister that hat, because the yarn the pattern is for is made with wool, and she is allergic to wool, unless i can figure out a way to line the hat, or use a different yarn
i went to go buy my mom the sea foam green chenille yarn but they didnt have the color so i didnt know if there was another color i should get.... plus it was 7 dollars a skein and i was running out of money
so ive had a bit of a pot hole i guess you could call it, in my christmas crafting.. but i think it should be alright from here
thats all
Happy Knitting!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Christmas Crafting
Yes, well I know that it is only November 7th... but I still think I need to get a head start on all the items I plan to knit for people this year... heres what I've come up with so far...
Mom~ 5 dishcloths, 1 chenille scarf
Kayla (sister)~ a neat flapper hat i found a pattern for online, possibly with a matching scarf using the same yarn as the hat
Auntie Jean~ 5 dishcloths
Rusty (sewing teacher)~ 5 dishcloths, mini knitting needle and yarn ball pin
thats not all I'm giving, but thats all I'm knitting... well as far as I know right now... seeing as my mom is still my main source of yarn buyage I dont have a unlimited amount of money to spend, but I am saving some here and there, ya know extra lunch money and what not... I have about $21 in an envelope I think.... its not much I know that, but it should be enough to buy some more yarn for the dishcloths ... I think I can only get one full one for the skein.... and the yarn for my mom's scarf... I have to buy that with my own money, because if not I would be approached with the questions of... "Well what is this for? I want to know before I buy the yarn what you are going to be making." I dont blame here.. .she wants to make sure I'm going to use it and she just isnt spending money and yarn, for the sake of me to fill up that lovely new basket i have!
I havent been working much on my moss stitch bag... I'm trying to get Christmas things done first, then finish the bag for me... but thats alright its not that big of a deal
In my Fiber Arts class we're doing more felting... I couldnt think of anything to do, and then I thought of the brilliant idea of a felted bowl for holding my skein of yarn while I knit... so I dont have to chase it around the living room, or better yet my cat doesnt! So far so good with that....though I'm still not sure how sturdy it is going to be, but I'll find out soon enough!
I'm going to talk to my cousing this week, and see if she could possibly drop the camera off on Thursday night, and pick it up on Friday... I have no school on Friday, so that would be a good day for me to stay in and take pictures, plenty of time... so hopefully I will have pictures of all my creations (except maybe the felted bowl because if its not done i have to leave it at school, unless of course i get permission to bring it home, and then back to school) ... and all of my works in progress... i hope i hope i hope!!
well for all who read this... please comment, and Happy Knitting!
Mom~ 5 dishcloths, 1 chenille scarf
Kayla (sister)~ a neat flapper hat i found a pattern for online, possibly with a matching scarf using the same yarn as the hat
Auntie Jean~ 5 dishcloths
Rusty (sewing teacher)~ 5 dishcloths, mini knitting needle and yarn ball pin
thats not all I'm giving, but thats all I'm knitting... well as far as I know right now... seeing as my mom is still my main source of yarn buyage I dont have a unlimited amount of money to spend, but I am saving some here and there, ya know extra lunch money and what not... I have about $21 in an envelope I think.... its not much I know that, but it should be enough to buy some more yarn for the dishcloths ... I think I can only get one full one for the skein.... and the yarn for my mom's scarf... I have to buy that with my own money, because if not I would be approached with the questions of... "Well what is this for? I want to know before I buy the yarn what you are going to be making." I dont blame here.. .she wants to make sure I'm going to use it and she just isnt spending money and yarn, for the sake of me to fill up that lovely new basket i have!
I havent been working much on my moss stitch bag... I'm trying to get Christmas things done first, then finish the bag for me... but thats alright its not that big of a deal
In my Fiber Arts class we're doing more felting... I couldnt think of anything to do, and then I thought of the brilliant idea of a felted bowl for holding my skein of yarn while I knit... so I dont have to chase it around the living room, or better yet my cat doesnt! So far so good with that....though I'm still not sure how sturdy it is going to be, but I'll find out soon enough!
I'm going to talk to my cousing this week, and see if she could possibly drop the camera off on Thursday night, and pick it up on Friday... I have no school on Friday, so that would be a good day for me to stay in and take pictures, plenty of time... so hopefully I will have pictures of all my creations (except maybe the felted bowl because if its not done i have to leave it at school, unless of course i get permission to bring it home, and then back to school) ... and all of my works in progress... i hope i hope i hope!!
well for all who read this... please comment, and Happy Knitting!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
alright... well i am EXTREAMLY excited because i FINALLY worked it out so i could have my upcoming projects on the side and my works in progress on the side with those percentage bars!! all thanks to my new blogging friend Kym... check out her blog everybody!! http://stixandthecity.blogspot.com/ theres the link!! ohh im so excited!
im making dishcloths from my grandmother's pattern for my aunt and mom for Christmas...i made a test one and it came out really nice!
that moss stitch bag is coming out really nice... though i have yet to find the right handles that match it... which is a little upsetting.. who knows ive only checked at one store, but i think ill drag my mom out to the other 3 craft stores i know of lol...
i went to Jo-Ann's today... they had this really cool autumn-y yarn on sale for like 2dollars.. i got about 6 skeins i think... i also got these really cute magnets...theyre thimbles, and this little retractable measuring tape its in this little square shape and it has thread and sewing needles all over it.. its adorable .... i also got some Sugar n' Cream 100% cotton yarn to make dishcloths with ... i got one that is like an off white and it has random spekcs of a light pink, purple, and blue in it... i got a vergitate brown and off white one, i got a verigated pink and white one... and i also got this really funky bright yellow, orange and pink one... theyre really nice
again when i can ill take pictures and post them... of EVERYTHING.... by the time i get to use a digital camera ill have to take about a billion pictures....
thats all
Thursday, November 03, 2005
it seems to me nobody is willing to share the secret of how to get those percentage bars for your projects.. why bloggers why???
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