Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I am a sock knitting MANIAC!
Last night was the teen knitting group at the library. It was only Becky and i who showed up, but that was ok. I had fun nonetheless. When I started the knitting sesson at 5:30 I was still working on the upper ankle part, and when I finished at a little past 7 I was working on turning the heel. I think that is good progress, looking at the fact that I think about 40 minutes of that time was spent talking and not knitting.
After knitting I continued to work on the sock while watching Dawson's Creek [which is my new favorite show, seeing as how none of the new seasons for the shows I watch have started yet]. When I went to bed I had finished turning the heel, pickign up the stitches for the gussets, and now I am just doing regular knitting until I have to do the k2p2 rib and bind off. I think I should finish the first sock tonight! [hopefully]
That's all the knitting news that I have so....
Happy Knitting Everyone!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
pedi socks
Casted on for Knitty's Pedicure Socks. My mom is big into getting them every other week right now. She has some nerve damage in her foot, and the guy that gives her the pedicures apparently does some reflexology massage or something and its really helping it. I got her a gift certificate for a pedicure for her birthday [which is tomorrow!], but I figured that in the winter time these would be perfect for her. With just my luck I just bought that sock yarn she likes too [the brown/blue pattern magic stripes]! These will not be done for tomorrow, although they are a fast knit, but I figured it gives me a head start on her Christmas present.
I also casted on those because it didn't involve me doing a figure 8 cast on, which for the life of me I cannot figure out. i tried like 20 different times before I gave up and decided I would wait on my socks a little bit. I'm going to go to the knitting group at my library on Thursday, hopefully someone can help me there.
That's all the news so...
Happy Knitting!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Madam Stash Enhancer
Onto actual knitting news...
In spirit of August Project Spectrum, I picked up the cable squares for my afghan. I figured since they needed to be finished anyway and they fit into the colors for this month, why not? I had to do some frogging though, in one of the squares I left off in the middle of a cable section, and of course I didn't remember what row I left off on. But all is well, I just re-knit it.
Because of said cable squares I have put asside the pinwheel blanket, which is alright though because I'm not sure if I'm going to contiue with it. See, I casted on with acrylic yarn, just to test it out before I casted on with the boucle, so I wouldn't mess up. Then I figured, hey I have enough acrylic and I need to bust some stash, but then I started thinking... What am I going to do with two pinwheel blankets? I might finish the one I started in the Harry Potter colors and give it to a friend for Christmas, but I'm not sure yet.
Now enough about stash busting.. lets talk about some stash enhancing!
Yesterday after work I bought myself some sock yarn!! It's nothing too fancy, but it works for me. It's Lion Brand's Magic Stripes. Here are the colors I bought:
Bright Spring Pattern
Brown/Blue Pattern
I bought the Brown/Blue Pattern for my mom. When I was looking at them, my mom was like 'Oh, this one is nice. I like it.' and then above the yarn was a sock knitted up, with that yarn and she really liked it. I bought it with her there, but she doesn't know that the yarn is for her yet. I might do a Christmas present, but I know I gave her a coupon for Mother's day of one free handknit item, so I'm not sure yet.
In non-knitting news, the heat has finally broke! It is in the high fifties/low sixties right now. Which isn't bothering me one bit! I love the fall weather, it's my favorite time of the year! And speaking of fall, I go back to school on the 5th of September. I'm waiting for my schedule to arrive in the mail, it should be coming either sometime next week, or the week after.
That's all the news I have, so....
Happy Knitting Everyone!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Stash Bustin'
As far as my Branching Out scarf is concerned, I'm almost done. I think I can fit in maybe three or four more pattern repeats before I do the final five rows of garter stitch and then block it.
August is the last month for Project Spectrum. This month's colors are Neturals, Blacks, and Whites. Here are some pictures of my favorite things in those colors:

I love chocolate! Who doesn't?? I also love the snow, not so much the fact that I most of the time have to shovel it, but it always looks so peacefull and beautifule. I love the sand at the beach!! And I tend to like neutral colored stripes.
I'm not sure what I'm going to make for this month yet, since I have quite a bit of project started, but maybe I'll make some hand-made postcards for my Postcrossing. That by the way (postcrossing) is very cool! You send a postcard to someone across the world, and once they receive it, you automatically receive one from someone else around the world.
That's about all the updates I have for now so...
Happy Knitting!
**Update - 11:55PM**
I just finished knitting Branching Out!!! Now all I have to do is block it! Hopefully I will be getting my new computer soon, and I can post pictures... it's really starting to bug me that I can't post any. Ehhh!! I'm so excited that I finished my first lace scarf!!
**End of Update**
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
SP 9 baby!!
I am uber excited.. not sure exactly how it works, but I can't wait!!! :-D