sorry, i didnt realize how bad of quality those pictures are... the lighting in my living room is a bit low, and its quite late... ill have better ones for tomorrow... but thats all for tonight because im pooped ...
Happy Knitting!
I only have a couple more stitches... just one more minute
sorry, i didnt realize how bad of quality those pictures are... the lighting in my living room is a bit low, and its quite late... ill have better ones for tomorrow... but thats all for tonight because im pooped ...
Happy Knitting!
this is a picture of the left side of the sock
this is the front of the sock
this is the right side of the sock
sorry, these are not the best pictures but for some reason the battery is running low again, so i did the best i could, also there is not great lighting in my kitchen
(excuse my cat's leg in this one.. he was being nosy and sniffing my hand)
this is a close up of what i have done so far, its not much... but thats because i had to restart after 4 rows because i messed up the ribbing, and also i keep dropping stitches like they're bad habits... it is very frustrating, but also very challenging, which i like!
i am still not quite sure how to turn the heel, so tomorrow i am going to the library to talk to the lady who teachers the knitting class, she helped me cast on and start so i will most likely end up spending the day there tomorrow
also, early this week, i think it was wednesday maybe, i had my first go at dying yarn with koolaid! it came out nice, although it does smell horribly like vinegar.. it came out a nice light pink color (im not sure if you can see it in the pictures)... some spots are darker or lighter than others but overall i think it came out good for my first try
again sorry about the quality of the pictures, but it's the best i can do
tomorrow night im going to be babysitting from 7PM to 1AM (1 being the earliest she comes home) so im pretty sure ill get quite a bit of that sock done! which i am excited about! but thats all i have for tonight until tomorrow...
Happy Knitting!
this is that huge thing of undyed wool yarn i got at Building 19 for $3!!!! yes, all this for only $3! im planning on maybe doing a couple different color schemes, possibly a yellow/orange one, or blue/green... im not sure yet but i think i want to go and get more.. i also need to figure out how many yards are on this thing
this is a sweater that im going to attempt to unravel and salvage the yarn from... i found plenty of tutorials online but am still a little unsure of how to do it... but hey it was going to be thrown away anyway due to a hole in the side, so i figure if i mess it up.. its nothing too terible because it would have been garbage anyway
this is the start of my panta.. im on the 3rd section.. and i think it looks weird.... for some reason the ribbing has shifted over and i really think im doing it wrong... i have no idea though so i think ill just finish it, and if it comes out horrible then it will be a practice one
this is my harry potter scarf i made ... excuse the bit ofmess i have on my bed... as you can tell i didnt realize that you have to do the same number of rows in each section for all the little tiny strips to be on the same side.. but oh well i think it gives it character!
this is the Ireland flag scarf i made! i absolutely LOVE it! i still have to weave in the ends, but that will take all of 10 minutes maybe...hopefully it won't rain tomorrow and i can go to the St. Patrick's Day parade.. but if it does, then i will just wear it to school on friday ... heres a bit of a close up...
that is all the pictures i could take today, since the battery on the camera my art teacher let me borrow is dieing! im pretty sure thats all i wanted to take pictures of... but now that i think of it, i want to try and get a picture of my cabled square for my afghan, and some other things.. maybe ill do that tomorrow.. until then....
Happy Knitting!
P.S. if anybody reads this.. would you be so kind enough to comment and tell me what a FO means?? I've commented another knitter's blog and asked, but she has been quite rude to me, because i asked her to check out the pictures of my work... .anyway, that would be wonderful. thanks
this is a picture of my finished oregon tote bag.... i actually ended up changing the pattern, it had really funky straps that went through the bag, and there were holes... i didnt like it, so i just binded off the edges and every other row on the side decreased until i liked the width and knit until they were the length i liked, and sewed them together... voila!!! ... heres a close up of the stitching/pattern, which i also through in there myself...
pretty isnt it?? i love how its got that raised stitch almost on the corner... it does that on all four corners as well... thats actually the reason i decided not to felt it, because i like that stitch... but i am going to sew a lining into it so its a bit more sturdy
this is the felted cat toy i made from the winter issue of Vouge Knitting... it was really simple, im pretty sure it was just simple garter stitch, but it could have been stockinette, so dont hold me too it, but i just knit, then felted cut the shape out and sewed a little stitching along the edges, aded a little X for an eye and attached a long loopy string so it hangs from a doorknob... my cat absolutely LOVES it! ... heres a close up of the fish....
i think its cute....
this is just a picture of the dishcloth i made... i found my Grandmother's old pattern and that was actually the very first pattern i followed... anyway this is the pattern i used for the dishcloths i gave away at christmas, though i didnt get any pictures of those, so this will have to do
hmmm okay, the rest of my pictures wont upload... maybe you can only do so many pure post, im not sure... but i guess this will have to do for now, and ill post the rest tomorrow because it is quite late... i didnt realize what time it was... but until tomorrow.....
Happy Knitting!
there you go! not the best looking picture of me.. but hey its better then no picture right?? i think so too
other then that i am expecting to get pretty far in my panta tonight, since it is the finale of Project Runway... that is if i can get all the homework i have been putting off done before 10 PM!
until next time....
Happy Knitting!
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